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My Trip to the Nambale Magnet School in Western Kenya

July 2, 2018- In May I made a trip to the Nambale Magnet School with two teaching interns, Lizzie and Colleen. It was a pleasure to see the school in action and to see how happy and motivated the children seemed to be. The school bustled with activity and the teachers and staff had everything well in hand. The overall feeling that seemed to permeate the school was that of love and gratitude.

The purpose of our visit was to discuss and manage future growth opportunities for the school. While trying to access the internet, connectivity problems became apparent. As a result of this experience, Nambale Cornerstone Project immediately funded a WiFi Booster Tower to be erected at the school for better connectivity. It will be capable of servicing future growth without becoming obsolete and the school can rent space to other users creating built in sustainability, something the Nambale Cornerstone Project always looks for in funding! Construction of the internet booster mast antenna has already began!

A very exciting avenue we explored was that of future sustainable building. Currently NMS is in discussion with a group from Kenya that designs and builds from locally sourced materials. They also teach women the trade of construction in the process. This has the potential of having an even greater reach for empowerment of the Nambale area. This outfit is a model of social change through building that dovetails very much with the empowerment mission of the Nambale Magnet School. We hope that this exchange will become how we continue to grow through your support.

Sustainable Farming Takes Root

It has become apparent that the word is getting around that the NMS model is working well. During our stay we were visited by a school in Tanzania that was looking to see if our sustainable farm model might have potential for their situation. At the very beginning of the partnership between WIKS Kenya, NMS, and Nambale Cornerstone Project, our goal was to use NMS as a model or prototype that can be duplicated in other areas all over the world. Shareable and self-sustaining to lift up other communities to take care of themselves as well. The unsolicited visit from the director of a school so far away shows us that we are spreading something worthwhile.

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