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Borehole Well, Grey Water Recycling & Irrigation

A massive drought has created food shortages in addition to a water shortage that caused operating expenses for the school to go through the roof. Water insecurity is unimaginable to first world countries but a harsh reality in many parts of Africa. Water has become the gold standard in most third world countries.

For this reason, Rotary international decided to make water projects on its list of global priorities and granted Nambale Magnet School $128,000 for a water project which includes a new well, water tower, gray water filtration system and bio-digester.

$98,400 will be used to improve and upgrade its water supply and produce a full recycle sustainable water system. The remaining $29,600 will be used towards building a Waste to Fuel Biodigester which is being constructed at the same time as the full water cycle system.

Project features to the new full cycle water system awarded by the Nambale Cornerstone Project and Rotary International:

Borehole Well

Provides clean, safe potable water for human & livestock consumption, cooking, bathing, washing of dishes & clothes as well as excess water may be sold to the surrounding communities at the minimal price in an effort to assist in overall costs of operating and maintaining the system.
Grey Water Recycling

Estimated 50% or more reduction of potable water consumption by using it to flush toilets, wash floors and animal units, irrigate vegetation in greenhouses and open farm land for food production wash vehicles.

Irrigation System

A drip system used to distribute treated grey waters throughout the greenhouses and farmland to increase the production of fruits and vegetables. Excess produce can be sold providing an additional source of income and improving upon the schools overall goal of sustainability.

Waste to Fuel Biodigester

Eco-friendly, efficient sanitation system process produces methane & carbon dioxide gases yielding a clean source of fuel for cooking, lighting, etc while producing a rich slurry providing an organic fertilizer for the fruit and vegetable agriculture.

Energy Sources

In order to make all the new systems work in unison, we also need to focus on providing clean, renewable energy sources including but not limited to solar power, gravity, biogas fuel and manual pumps (for backup) will be incorporated to power these systems and to make everything work

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