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Waste to Fuel (Biofuel) Biodigester Installation

Thanks to a Rotary International grant we have raised enough money to begin construction on the Nambale Magnet School's biodigester.

It will handle waste from the animals and humans effectively which will greatly assist the school in waste disposal and management. It will also be a source of methane gas (biofuel), which will be tapped to the kitchen and thus save costs on fuel as well as save the environment by preserving trees that would have otherwise been cut down for firewood. The eco-friendly, efficient sanitation system process produces a rich slurry providing an organic fertilizer for the fruit and vegetable agriculture.

The manure produced as a by-product will be used on the school farm and to increase farm yield, thus, strengthening the school's vision of sustainability, which seeks to increase efficiency in land and soil productivity. Food produced will be healthy for consumption, having been produced by using organic fertilizers. This method of farming will also conserve environment through preservation of soil structure, which chemical fertilizers leads to exhaustion.

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